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Picture of Cellos

Sizing Cello

String Color Chart

Types of Cases

Cello Tuning Bass to Treble.
Bass being on the right side 
when held from behind.
C2     G2     D3     A3

Sizing a cello:
The best size depends on the person, their arm length, hand size and height, the chart is good for a rough estimate of possible sizes. It would be best to consult  with  a professional instructor for their recommendations.
List of Cello sizes from small to full size
Here are the different sizes of celli, which can and will vary from region to region, style to style, craftsman to craftsman, and period to period, with their corresponding back lengths:

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1/8 size:   17 to 20     inches cello back length. 
1/4 size:   20 to 23     inches cello back length. 
1/2 size:   23 to 26     inches cello back length.
3/4 size:   26 to 27.5  inches cello back length.
4/4 size:    27.5+         and above full size
String Color Chart:

Cello strings, Correli, Helicor, Unicore, Prelude, D'addario, Pro-arte
Strings , Cromcor Plus, Eudoxa, Evah Pirazzi, Evah PirazziSoloist, Flexcor, Gold
Strings, Obligato, Oliv, Permanent, Permanent Soloist, Piranito, Synoxa
Strings , Jargar, Larsen, Larsen soloist, Chorda, Chromcor
Strings, Prim, Bel Canto, Dominant, Spirocore, Superflexible
Types of Cases:

 The picture is of a Musilia S3

    Much Like the carbon fiber it has a great protection level but also weighs a fair amount. Heavier than the Carbon fiber.
Lighter then Fiberglass may be as affective or less affective from the fiberglass models.

    A carbon fiber case will offer great protection, somewhat lighter weight and cost a fair amount more.

 The picture is of a Crossrock

 The picture is of a Duralite

The absolute least affective in protection and also the lightest weight to carry.
Woven Poly Textured cloth over rigid foam cushioning. This offers less protection but can be a much lighter case to carry.

 The picture is of a Bobelock

Hard cases may have built in wheels as part of the case.
Backpack style straps may also be available on any of the case styles.

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